- 10/18/2021
The Weeknd’s ‘Snowchild’ video - 07/31/2020
Jaivant Patel Dance presents the UK Tour of YAATRA - 09/23/2019
Black Womxn in Theatre #WeAreVisible photoshoot - 07/30/2019
The Merchant of Venice – Ashley Joseph - 06/28/2016
Creativity and Wellbeing Week - 06/16/2016
Win Tickets To The Shadow King - 06/16/2016
In the Heights - 06/16/2016
The Threepenny Opera - 04/11/2016
Why London’s Night Time Economy Is Priceless
Sed varius justo in elit mollis molestie. Etiam id ligula at tellus placerat imperdiet. Donec fermentum hendrerit libero, a pellentesque mi. Donec placerat lacinia congue.
With such a wealth of opportunities to pursue culture, life and business, it should come as no surprise that London has been rated as the number one place to live in the world by PWC. And one of the things that’s so special about the capital is the incredibly rich tapestry of nightlife available. With the night tube launching next month, the value of the nocturnal city is set to be more important than ever.
See Manchester 2019